Just haven't had the heart to blog since dead people started hitting the fan… It was a crappo winter in the garden, too, which normally would have been my Source of solace. Frost after frost killed stuff that had been there for years. Surprising stuff - porterweed, which isn't called -"weed" for nothing, and the huge, biggest in the neighborhood, frangipani tree that was planted right outside my window (for staring at when I should have been working…) Just lots of stuff. Some things came back after months of looking really bad. A little banana over in the far corner is back. Anyway, it was just rough-going for a good long while.
But I'm witnessing miracles again. Baby or female cardinal this morning, then three adults all at once. But two were males (bright bright red) and one seemed to be female, mate of one of the males. So, who knows? Not me. But I graciously accept. Planted my two window boxes. Just went to the garden center and asked what was good to plant in window boxes. Could do that anywhere and for whatever reason - just ask and buy. They just carry what thrives in your area. They want you to succeed. Window boxes (and containers) are usually planted with annuals, so keep them watered, pinch off old spent flowers and yank whole plants when they look bad. Add some new soil (potting soil in bags ) every time you replant. Don't have to replace all of the soil every year - but would be great if you do. Also always add some timed-release plant food for flowering plants (stuff I buy comes in a plastic shaker jar and is all over Lowes and Home Depot, about $7.)
So, it's early June here in Florida. I've got the self-sown annual sunflowers going gangbusters and am still trying to dig out things that obviously aren't coming back after the frost. It's the hottest year ever, all over our dearly departing planet. We've got to take care as best we can - of Her and our Selves. Don't go out to garden (or do anything) at High Noon. Do it in the early morning or when evening cools as much as it does these days. Eat, drink, be merry. Or at least eat and drink. Let's try to cheer up - as Crosby Stills etc. said long ago: "Rejoice! Rejoice! We have no choice!"
If you want more of the dark ruminations, and hopefully some sunnier ones (can you ruminate in a sunny fashion?), go to my less-gardeny just- writing blog: http://ablogginn.blogspot.com (note extra "n" end of ablogginn)
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