Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rose Apples June 2, 2009

Rose Apples.

A nice stage name. And delicious. I've had the tree, bought from Kevin, the Master Gardener years ago as a babe. (Me AND the seedling). The plant which didn't do a whole lot of anything for YEARS, had occasional near-death experiences as I considered what else I could do with it's allotted plot. A decade went by and it finally grew to a tree. And it bloomed. Glorious mysterious fancy, fancy white blooms

Then the fruits. Indescribable. Let me describe them to you: (I know…) But here's what they're like: Apricot-sized. A bigger than you'd think hard round seed in the middle. At first, just to get familiar with this strange new fruit, cut it gingerly around the equator. Take out the seed. Sit down and rest from the ROSEY ROSEY smell. Taste it. Go ON. It's kind of appley in texture, or like honeydew melon when it's not quite ready. But, believe me, whether the fruit is a little greenish, or yellow, or blushing pinkish yellowish - it IS ready. If you could bite a rose without getting a mouthful of petals (or worse), it would taste like this. Your brain, nose and heart say you've eaten a rose. They must share some chemicals, these fruits and roses. Okay. I've revealed enough of my ignorance. But it's so other/this-wordly! It's so different but familiar.

I've announced my engagement to this tree. It's a perfect love. Start shopping for a dress. Gather them by the arm-full. (Better yet, carry a basket…) They can be sliced and eaten just plain, put in salads… I've had them cut up in my oatmeal. A gentleman came by the other day and recognized the tree, also called a Rose Apple in Jamaica. He said they make jelly out of it, or just eat them out of hand while playing by the rivers where the trees grow wild.

The Rose Apple seems to have been fruiting for about a month now. I'll try to notice when it stops. (I wrote this yesterday, went to get some today to bring to the vegetable stand, and there were only about 5 within reach. The season is over!) But next year, if you come by, and Rose Apple has fruit, you WILL be force-fed a piece of heaven.

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