Thursday, September 20, 2007

Florida Cool

First cool morning - temperature in the 70s - low 70s even! Florida "snow" - Jasmine petals on their ground, still on their branches, but air heavy with that perfume. Silvergold light. Love the mornings. Still some frangipani blooming, still some butterfly weed blooming.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

About me

My dad used to call me Sprout! I grew up in New Jersey - The Garden State and moved to Florida so I could garden year-round. I grew up in the 60s - and so am a Flower Adult now. It's Peace and Love, Baby!
My house is surrounded by garden. No lawn. Just garden.

I'm a garden writer and garden Yenta - I want to know every gardener and hear about your gardens. I'll help you where I can and be so glad to know you!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

VooDoo Lilies - I'd stand back, if I were You!

The voodoo lilies - Amorphophallus - are coming back after being dormant. First they can send up a really stinky flower (that has to be covered with a garbage can lid on one of its days- to keep the FLIES at bay.). Then the leaf stalk starts to arise and ARISE!. The leaves will grow to over 6'. They'll grow through the summer, then go dormant. The smaller plants can be sold while they're leafy. Otherwise, reserve one, and I'll mail you a big honkin' bulb after they go dormant. They're $50 plus postage...